For some reason doughnut holes hold a special place in my heart. Growing up they were our treat after we would go grocery shopping with mom at Fareway. I remember taking the car to the carwash, sitting on the floor of the car & eating doughnut holes - random memories I know...
Doughnut holes were my tip off to finding out I was pregnant. Jack and I went to the grocery store - as soon as we walked in the door I said to him 'mmm doughnut holes, those smell so good!' It was at that moment that I remember thinking oh no, I bet I'm pregnant. I have not bought doughnut holes in years.... until Baby Girl was on the way. Now these are Jack and my special treat when we get home from grocery shopping. I am so glad he enjoys them as much as I do.

I LOVE doughnut holes

As hard as I try I just can't get the whole thing in...