Wednesday, June 26, 2013

a little birthday fun

A weekend in Ames with these little ones is never a dull moment!

We went to celebrate this sweet little lady's 4th birthday (and did a little 'junk' shopping of course, check out these sweet hats Reese found!) 

and this crazy man's 2nd birthday. He's crazy & hilarious - I mean seriously you should eat your Curious George ring once you are done with your cupcake, oh Cade!

We had brunch which consisted of 'kiddie cocktails' at the bar

and here's a fun pic of grandma and grandpa with their grand babies! I can not wait for two more little ones to be in this picture (Brian & Allie's for those who may not realize they are adopting) no Tetzlaff babies :) 

and this week we have a special visitor, my cousin Halle Rose - these girls adore her! 
 Happy Wednesday!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Filling Up

Moving is a lot of work. Then you've got it under control, everything is in it's place, you think ahhh this is going to be good - a cute, fresh, clean home where everything has a place. Then... those little sticky finger prints start showing up all over, laundry piles build up - clean over here... dirty over there... you know how it goes, dirty dishes never seem to end, toys are strewn all over, spiderwebs and dirty windows - And I guess this is when you know you're settling in to your home. Then figuring out where everything is at (you know the essentials Aldi, Costco, Lifetime), how to get connected - church, school, kids activities, mom activities... Among all of this stuff we are being blessed with lots of people that fill me up just when I'm starting to run on empty. Because you all are what matters the most - thank you for filling us up!

Family day checking out the new area - nearest coffee shops located - adventure successful!

Grammie & Papa Al come to help us settle in aka: 'hang sh*! on the walls' Papa Al was a trooper and did just as mom and I requested - we had fun making our house a 'home'!

I snuck away for a weekend to the Dells with these two awesome ladies! We did a lot of nothing... massages, ate, talked, talked, drank some wine, talked some more, ate some more. It was great! 

I got the best phone call from little Mary (my little sister from Big Brothers Big Sisters - from 9 years ago!) she is living in northern MN and was back visiting her mom. We got together and took the kids to Como - it was great. She is great and loved on my kiddos!

The Sullivan's stopped in on the way home from their family vacation. It was perfect smores & garbage can smashing weather - these boys are hilarious! Seriously look at them & their mom and dad are pretty much awesome.

Uncle Brian came & spent a day with us - think the kids are having fun?! Their faces pretty much sum it up.

Then the kids & I headed to Iowa last week & we got some good Uncle Brett time in on our trip - this little girl loves her uncle brett! 

Sunday we made it home in time to do a little Father's Day 'chillaxin' (Jackson's new favorite word) with Curtis. Curt's looking a bit tired after golfing 5 rounds of golf in 3 days - golf fills Curt up. So we're all pretty happy around here these days :) 

and this weekend we get to celebrate two very special little people's birthdays - we are counting down the days Reese & Cade - can't wait to see you guys and your mom and dad!