Thursday, March 25, 2010

just because...

they are too sweet & allie requested a pic of Lauren smiling (sorry this was the best I could get.. she wasn't cooperating!)
we've gotten lots of outside time this week - it's been great!
I hope they are always this great of friends :-) It melts my heart to watch Lauren smile at Jackson when he gives her hugs and kisses. He absolutely loves his little sister.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Why we love Grandma T

Being Grandma T's birthday week I thought I'd do a top 5 reasons we love her!
5. She has a song to sing for anything and everything.
4. I have never seen anyone get so excited to give the kids baths!
3. She has a way to put her creative touch on everything.
2. We always know that after being up north for the weekend we will not come home hungry.
1. Her heart is huge and we are so lucky to be in it!
Happy Birthday Week Grandma! We love you