does the time go? I know everyone says it 'time flies' and it does. Here's what the Tetzlaff kids have been up to for the last month:
we hit up the beach a LOT!
and guess what is on the way to the beach? yeap Caribou... they go hand in hand
this girl has been busy growing - I'm predicting some teeth soon!
Curt took Jackson to his first Twins game. I'm not sure who was more excited Curt or Jack!
We went down to Ames to get some cousin love & celebrate Cade & Reese's birthday
Grandma & Grandpa Tetzlaff came up to watch the kids for a weekend so Curt & I could 'pretend we were hippies' as George called it. We spent the weekend at the River's Edge Music Festival - it was fantastic - do we look like hippies?
Uncle Brett came up for the concerts too - we checked out the 'silent dj tent' I felt pretty cool jamming in my headphones!
Grandpa brought his boat so we could take it out on the Lake
someone spiked Jack's drink - those red solo cups are dangerous!
Aunt Tami is getting married!!! We are all so excited - Lauren and Grandma are starting to practice the role of flower girl!
we are trying to say good bye to the big pink plug in Laurens mouth (not sure if this is a good idea or not...)

so meet Emma - she is going to help Lauren ditch the 'nuki'... it is time, way past time to say good bye to the nuki Lauren got to pick out a doll to replace the nuk that 'got lost'. On the way to the store I explained to Lauren that since she is such a big girl and doesn't use her Nuk any more she could get a new special baby doll. She informed me that she was little, not big... once in the store she proceeded to beg me to buy a nuk instead of a doll... once I got her over understanding she was not getting a nuk she decided to pick out a baby that came with a nuk - whatever.
We have my cousin Holly here with us for 2 weeks - it is WONDERFUL! The kids love her, we love her & I'm trying to convince her to stay for the rest of the summer. We are getting to spend lots of time at the pool while she is here.
we are having a beautiful summer!