When we met this little girl for the first time 4 years ago we would never have been able to predict the way she would change our lives. She challenges us and teaches us every day - such a blessing Miss Lauren is!
You love to play babies, gymnastics, coloring, drawing, writing, singing, making up stories, baking, hanging out with mommy, you have many make believe friends & many made up words that only you understand. You love Jesus & if you could be any animal you would like to be a lion. You are full of personality, one liners & give the best hugs ever!
Last night when you were blowing out your candles you said, 'I just love my family so much.' You are such a sweet 4 year old with an independent, firey little spirit. I pray that you don't let anyone 'dull your sparkle' because you are fearfully and wonderfully made. I am so blessed to be your mom and thank God for you every day!
Happy Birthday Lauren Kathryn - we love you to the moon, to the stars & back again. We love you with all of our hearts and with all of our souls. Love, mom & dad