Well, we survived our first week on our own! There were moments I wasn't sure were were going to make it, but it is Friday... both kids are sleeping and life is good! After being cooped up in the house for the past couple of days bc it is frigid - we headed to the zoo for the morning. Jack LOVED the fish and all the kids - we even got to watch the diver feed the fish.

Lauren is 2 weeks old and doing great! I actually felt refreshed this morning - she usually wakes up at 12 & 4. She and her brother have both been sleeping until 8 (so of course Curt and I have been too!)

Jack may be getting just a little bit spoiled this week - but boy does licking the brownie spatula keep him happy and entertained for a good 30 minutes....

He has been an amazing big brother (I'm sure that will all change & the excitement of his little sister will wear off), but right now he is loving her. She is no longer 'mimi' she is now 'baby' and he asks for her the minute he wakes up. He used to ask for Maddie, but I think she has been replaced - poor Mad Dog. Maybe soon we can start calling her Lauren or she may forever be baby...