The past 3 weeks has been all about celebrating with family and friends - That is exactly why this is my favorite time of the year!
The big 3-0 - check
Christmas in Wisconsin - check
New Years in Iowa - check
Lauren's first birthday celebration - check
and now detox must begin! Detox from the spending, junk food, no schedule routine, overly spoiled children... oh how that is all so fun but now we must get back and start on all those new year resolutions :) and keeping our blog up to date is one of them - so this will be the first in a series of posts!
I'll start with our Christmas in Wisconsin. Jack got his first snowmobile ride. ..

Lauren and I played in the snow.

Grandma got lots of snuggle time with Lauren!

Grandpa gave out wheel barrow rides

The kids are all ready for Christmas Eve mass. Getting a nice picture of both of them was not real easy... Lauren looks less than thrilled to be sitting next to her big brother here.
and the best family photo we got...
Now it's grandma and grandpa's turn... (why do they sit so nice for them?)

then it was present time. LK got her first Stormy Krommer hat from Aunt T (too cute!)

and Jack helps Uncle Brian hand out presents and looks like they are singing some sort of song (chances are good it was the abc's!)

Christmas morning Santa brought MORE gifts... he was very good to us all this year ;)
We wrote a letter, left cookies and milk for Santa and his reindeer - we think Santa really liked them!

On Christmas day we packed up and headed over to Curt's cousin Todd and Lisa's in Menominee MI for the night. It was great to see them and their kids! I got to watch Curt play Kinect with the kids (which was quite entertaining), a delicious supper and Avatar.
The next morning we took off and headed down to Green Bay to meet Tom & Starr's beautiful baby girl, Karlynn. And we got to take in my first Packer game at Lambeau - AWESOME!

The next morning we trekked back through Wausau and stopped in to see Great Grandpa (I love this picture!) and road trip #1 was complete!
Thank you everyone for a wonderful Christmas!