Thursday, January 6, 2011

Just another day... in paradise?

Some days (ok a lot of days) I think to myself... 'why can't I get anything done? why is the house a mess? how can there possibly be no clean underwear? do I really have to cook meals and wash dishes 3 times a day for the rest of my life?'
Then I stop, sit down and am reminded all those things are ok. Because... today Jack went to the dentist for the first time (and was so proud of himself and even got to ride in the big red chair)
Lauren was fascinated trying to catch the water from the faucet (and just couldn't figure out why she couldn't grab a hold)
and Jack took Lauren's baby 'out for supper' (not really but that's where he said he was going and he had to wear sunglasses to do this!) and don't ask why he refuses to wear pants that is a battle I'm choosing not to fight...
Though it may just seem like 'another day' it is a special day in our 'little paradise'


  1. love everyone in your paradise!!! special

  2. Has Jackson got his boots on backwards?!?!
    Love all the pictures today..Thank You!

  3. chances are pretty good they are on backwards - usually on the wrong feet more than the right feet!

  4. My life is totally is ALWAYS organized my kids ALWAYS do exactly what I say, they never fight, Kreighton never argues with me about what she has to wear, and Kyle smiles and waves when his Dad leaves for work! Ok just kidding...I love it!
