I may be a couple weeks late, but (I really don't have a good excuse) So, here is a recap of our Easter weekend in Iowa (in pictures)
We may have OD'd (that's overdosed) on Easter egg hunting & sweets! We kicked off the weekend with the golf course easter egg hunt. Where the kids met the Easter Bunny - they are all loving it can't you tell?!
Then decorated and ate sugar cookies
Then the hunting began...
Then we headed back to Grandma & Grandpa's & dyed eggs - Jack and Reese are listening very intently to the instructions here :)
Saturday evening we got to hang out with some of the Goldsmith cousins, aunts & uncles. It was so great seeing everyone! I didn't get a picture of all the little people - darn, they were so precious!
Then it was Easter. We celebrated with church & came home to more Easter fun. The Easter bunny had dropped eggs all over the front yard, hid all of our dyed eggs in the house & left goodie baskets for the kids...
The kids hunted for more eggs in the house...

by this point they are pros at hunting Easter eggs, and loving every moment of it!
And no trip to Grandma & Grandpa Wulfekuhle's house would be complete without doing a little work... yeap picking up sticks. Yes, Great Grandpa Wulfekuhle was looking down Easter Sunday and smiling watching dad and his grandbabies pick up sticks.
And of course a little snuggle time with Uncle Brett

Thanks for a wonderful Easter Grandma & Grandpa!