So I've learned that the northern Wisconsin folk love their fishing... and this weekend (which happened to be Mother's Day) was also opening fishing. Which if you're a northern Wisconsiner means you must fish. So, the boys fished and we hung out enjoying the beautiful weather & peacefulness of the northwoods. Here Uncle Brian is teaching Jack how to fish. Jack went out on every trip with them (with his lunch box) Which I learned all fisher boys get gummy worms in their lunch boxes - no wonder he loved it so much!
Grandma: "How big was the fish Jack?"
Jack: "this big!"
For Mother's Day Jackie, Lauren & I spent the morning at the park... and we may have snuck over to Lickadee Splits for a little Mother's Day treat! And we of course played with our cameras. Little Miss Serious let out a few big smiles on the swing - she was loving it!

Your kids are so cute - we must get them together soon, especially since Maya loves swings, too!