Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

As I was driving today and listening to Chris Young's song Voices. I was thinking about what voices pop into my head and well yes a lot of them are my dad's - I thought I'd share a few on this Father's Day.

1) 'that will build character' (when doing things I didn't want to be doing or was unsuccessful at)
2) 'the best thing you can do is kill them with kindness' (when someone was mean)
3) 'you can do whatever you want - you just have to face the consequences' (when we wanted to do something we probably shouldn't)

- Happy Father's Day Dad - I love you! 


  1. So cute! my favorite al-ism "well he won't do that again" after someone (ok usually our kids) do something stupid :)

  2. Very sweet! I think I have heard your dad say those things a time or two as well :)

  3. Thats all great advice, Al is wise!!
