Tuesday, August 23, 2011


get ready here it comes... in March Jackson & Lauren will have a new little brother or sister! 
Jack has informed us he'd like a brother & another sister (yeap he wants 2 babies, guess someone is excited!) and he'd like to name his brother Joey... we'll have to keep that in mind!

I think they're going to be wonderful helpers & are going to love having a little one to take care of!


  1. yeah! I do love the name Joey! AND Kreighton also wanted one of each...just like Dora-"Mom that would be so fun"

  2. Thanks for making me and aunt again. I love Tetzlaff babies, and them being so darn cute doesn't help :) Hope you are feeling better these days. Love from the cousins!

  3. WOOHOO! COngrats! Adorable photo of the kids too! hugs! Let's get together soon!

  4. This is such exciting news! AND I have A LOT of catching up to do! Lots of babies between all you great mommies! I'm so happy for you Tetzlaff's! Sending love & prayers your way.

  5. Congrats! Can't wait to meet that baby! I'm going to throw my guess out there - another girl:)!!!!
