Wednesday, September 14, 2011

One of those days...

Today is one of those, ahhh life is good days. I know every day is a good day, but honestly there are some days I have to remind myself to be grateful for everything I've been blessed with. But today has just been one of those beautifully simple days - waking up to a beautiful fall morning, grabbing a nice cup of coffee with a good friend and watching the kids play, having a surprise lunch date with another good friend, then two sleeping babies & I start downloading summer pictures from my phone - which is a clear reminder of how truly blessed I am. 

Here are some of my favorites from our summer:

playing at the mall one of our favorite places to go on rainy or cold days 
(one of mommy's favorites because there is Caribou & usually good company!)

wrestling with daddy

many trips to the zoo - here we are watching Sparky the Seal

lots of road trips

art days in the backyard

lots of reading time together for these two!

Jack is learning to ride his bicycle and is so so proud of himself!
 Can't you tell by that ginormous smile on his face?

We grilled and had many backyard picnics together

 Jackson loves his books and his (actually Lauren's, which he's claimed as his) 
Cabbage Patch doll 'Dana'

and they love each other (usually - they definitely have their moments, but don't we all?!)


  1. Curt and you are blessed with two adorable children. Thanks for sharing pics.

  2. Those pigtails in the last picture rock!
