Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A Place To Call Home

aaahhhhhhhh... home. It's been a long journey for our family, but we are finally here and it feels so right! We bought our home last Wednesday and moved on Saturday. All night Friday I felt like a kid waiting for Christmas morning - I was so excited to move! We had Curt's parents and friends help - what a blessing they all were to us. Here are some pics of what we've been up to:

Our final walk through before closing. Elaina didn't get to come along - thank you Jodi!

The kids spend the majority of their waking hours doing this (note Elaina is holding on for dear life!)

we've been going out for walks - it appears we have moved into a retirement community, haven't found any kids in the area yet - but we're scoping it out! 

unpacking & more unpacking - slowly but surely we are getting there

 The kids are loving their rooms!

 and I am loving the view!

Monday, May 13, 2013

10 on 10 May (an attempt)

I attempted the 10 on 10 challenge on Friday... (1 picture each hour of your day) but I kind of forgot a few times throughout the day - so here's my attempt.

6:00 - my makeup putter onner helper
7:00 - the count down until school begins (it is a long wait until 8:10)
8:00 - Lauren is not loving my dutch apple pancakes
9:00 - Curt calls... sump pump is out at the rental house - ugh
10:00 - St Jude trike a thon at school - fun!
11:00 - picnic lunch at school
12:00 - rest time
1:00 - someone's ready to sleep! (yes please)
2:00 - these shoes make me happy
then I forgot... until bathtime - sweet dreams baby e

Friday, May 3, 2013

Happy Friday

I don't have much to say here - except I love my new camera, the sunshine & my babies (not necessarily in that order)

Happy Friday! 
Love, the Tetzlaff Kids

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


A snowy May 1... I just keep repeating in my head, 

'This is the day the Lord has made, Let us rejoice and be glad in it!' 

It's helping... we baked cookes... then we baked some bars... and Curt brought us coffee treats... it's all good... all good.  :)