What a week it has been. We started with a weekend full of house painting (thank you Grandma and Grandpa Tetzlaff for all of your help) We were so busy I didn't even get any pictures - we were all so wiped out by the end of the night. Curt and George were both snoring in the basement by 9:00.... so much for that frosty mug of Miller Lite George was looking forward to all day long!!! Here is the only pic I have - Jack in front of his new red door.

On Tuesday the ladies and kiddos came to visit. I think everyone thought we were crazy for getting 7 kids, 4 girls, a crazy dog & Curtis all together under one little Tetzlaff roof but it was great! It was so much fun to spend time together and the kids were wiped by Wednesday. We played outside and went to the zoo.
Here we are at Noodles - getting a team picture. As we're trying to round everyone up to have the Noodles guy take our picture - Kreighton decided to whip off her pants and show the restaurant her sweet little white bootie! That poor guy had no idea what to think... we may have scared him from ever wanting children
Here we are at the zoo - the bears were right up next to the window. They all thought that was pretty cool.
and Kyle...
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