Friday, December 2, 2011


Running errands with Jack and Lauren is like going to the gym (mentally). If that makes sense. I have to psych myself up, stay positive & try to have fun even if it really isn't all that fun. This morning's adventures included Jackson with a huge bite mark on his stomach because Lauren didn't like where he was sitting in the cart with her... Lauren running around JoAnn's with no boots or shoes on... and a trip to the pet store which included Lauren trying to eat a dog biscuit. Do you think Lauren's the problem?! Oh how I love her to pieces, but wow has she figured out how to work it! Jackson was my angel in disguise this morning (kind of like having a workout buddy at the gym - they keep you going!) If you can't tell getting to the gym has been on my mind... and to do list... but isn't getting done - so needless to say the references. 

So, Happy Friday! and I'm not sure why it looks like Jackson has no nose in the first picture, but still thought it was blog worthy! 


  1. THis is hilarious! Ashley bit Luke last week on the back! I love the pic of her with her shoes off... totally Ashley

  2. I love these pictures....I think it must be the 2nd child...I find myself saying over and over..."Oh Kyle!!!!"
