Slowly but surely we are figuring this 'getting out thing' I have learned we need to give ourselves an extra 20 minutes. We are ALWAYS 20 minutes late... but we're figuring it out - all of us! And once we get there everyone is happier, everyone!
look at that smile!

The library by our new house is awesome! I think we may be spending lots of time here...
and who knew watching the car wash would be such an adventure? These two were fascinated.
and the grocery store... this may not have been the best idea - but we all survived and only broke one jar of pickles - oops
and since we all survived I thought we were all deserving of coffee and donuts - seems fair, right?
and I just had to drop in these two pictures because their preciousness is just so special to me. Every morning Jackson and Lauren come in our room and greet Elaina with a great big kiss
Jack: 'good morning (insert 'cute' or 'sweet') Elaina'
Lauren: running, shrieking, climbing over the edge and peeking into her bassinett 'Eeeeeennnnnnnnaaa!!!!!' 'nuki?' (she then proceeds to steal the nuk, run around with it - driving us all crazy, then brings it back to me with a great big smile, like a sweet big sister 'here you go mommy') EVERY. SINGLE. MORNING.
And Elaina loves to sleep snuggled up on her right side with this ridiculously large nuk - I have tried getting her to like the less obnoxious ones... but at this point what Elaina wants Elaina gets & that is just fine by me.