Friday, August 31, 2012

A few Friday lovelies

Curt is gone & I have to admit it makes me a little crabby. But I know he's having a great time fishing with his dad, uncle & cousin in Canada - and that is worth a lot! So, I am putting on my happy pants and sharing some things from the week that make me smile! (hopefully they'll make you smile too)

Babies first ponytail - ahhh :) 

 Fun free printables (this one is my favorite):

I put this free wallpaper on my phone (just so cute and pretty!)

Running around the house giving Elaina piggy back rides

one more reason I love fall 'oktoberfest' (did I mention Curt is gone for the weekend - I better get a case.. totally kidding! maybe...)

And finally Aunt Tami is coming to visit for the weekend & we are all so excited to see her!

Have fun fishing Curt! We'll miss you!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

There once was a family

So, there once was a family that lived in Richfield - we call them 'The Schlemme's'. There are two beautiful red headed boys, a mom & a dad. We love this family - everything about this family. They decided to move away to a place called Iowa - which we love too, though we liked it better when the story had them in Richfield... However, I don't get to write the story that's left to God. But I do get to write about how much fun we had with 'The Schlemme's' this weekend when they came to visit. This picture pretty much sums it up!

This little man loves Elaina

Then there is this lady who I can't even begin to write about. She's amazing, wonderful & has taught me so much - I'll just leave it at that.

Thank you Schlemme's for coming to visit - we love you!

Monday, August 27, 2012

what do you think?

So, everyone tells me Elaina looks like Jackson... what do you think? 

Jackson 6 months

Lauren 6 months

Elaina 6 months

Do you still think little E looks just like her big brother?

Thursday, August 23, 2012

10 on 10 (August)

So, I thought I'd give the 10 pictures on the 10th a shot. I actually did do it on the 10th but didn't get it posted - so here it is. 1 picture every hour for 10 hours on the 10th of the month. This was the day before we left for vacation (so not a very exciting day for the Tetzlaff kids)

8:00 - a little morning love for little 'E'
9:00 - Synchronized swimming - Jack commentary "this is nuts!"
10:00 - little 'E' refuses to nap
11:00 - kids are building a train
12:00 - karaoke at Cafe Tetzlaff
1:00 - tomato soup makes you do funny things
2:00 - kids were napping & I forgot to take a picture - I may have been dreaming about a mojito at this point in the day...
3:00 - LK is awake (bad picture, bad hair day)
4:00 - JT is still in pajamas (remember it was the day before we left on vacation so we didn't leave the house!)
5:00 - bath time in hopes for early bed... did it work? of course not but always worth a shot!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Coming home

After 10 days in the beautiful state of Montana I'm left feeling thankful. Thankful to be able to take trips like this, thankful for being surrounded by family immediate and extended, thankful for my kids who through their happiness brings me happiness, thankful for time spent together uninterrupted - away from the day to day demands of our 'everyday'. 

And with that are a few pics from our trip. I'll post more later but for now just some snapshots from my phone that I put together on the plane. And I'm thankful for a new app 'instaframe' that lets you collage your photos together - so fun and easy!

Thank you Montana!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Dear spirited daughter,

Some days you make me laugh, some days you make me cry and some days I don't have words to explain your 'free spirit'. I can only imagine what you were doing in your room for 2 hours before you finally fell asleep at nap time... (ps we cleaned your room last night, remember?) 

After investigating this scene I came to learn that you:

must have taken your baby dolls for a hike...

you had a tough time deciding what to wear for your hike - so you took all your clothes out of your closet...

when you got home one of the babies must have been a little sick, so you took her temp...

then you kicked off your shoes & read them some books...

and when you thought you were putting those babies to sleep - you put yourself to sleep too!
Sweet dreams my beautiful spirited daughter!

Love, mom

Friday, August 3, 2012

just another Friday morning

What would you do on a Friday morning in August if you were Jackson and Lauren? 

Play Santa Clause of course.

They are riding in the sled & bringing toys to all of the good girls and boys. 
(note: this picture is before every toy has come out of their rooms... all towels and plastic bowls out of my drawer... and Jackson walked down the stairs with a lamp from Lauren's room... this was the breaking point) I told them the fun must come to an end and everything must be delivered - lets see how this goes! 
Jackson's response: "We are working very hard mom. We will put everything away don't worry!" Followed by Lauren's: "it's ok mom"

Hope everyone else is having as much fun on this Friday morning!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

photo dump

And this my friends is a photo dump. With the warm weather my blogging has gone to the wayside. 

In case you haven't heard Jackson turned 4 - he is very proud of this and lets everyone know!

This little lady was baptised

my sweet cousin Halle came to spend a week with us. 

and my god daughter, Larisa spent a couple days with us  

we visited the zoo

and the dentist (sorry no pic of Lauren during her check up... she was not enjoying this visit) 

we've done lots of playing outside

all of the playing really can wear a girl out.

and here are some pictures just because they're sweet

Sweet Dreams!