So, I thought I'd give the 10 pictures on the 10th a shot. I actually did do it on the 10th but didn't get it posted - so here it is. 1 picture every hour for 10 hours on the 10th of the month. This was the day before we left for vacation (so not a very exciting day for the Tetzlaff kids)
8:00 - a little morning love for little 'E'
9:00 - Synchronized swimming - Jack commentary "this is nuts!"
10:00 - little 'E' refuses to nap
11:00 - kids are building a train
12:00 - karaoke at Cafe Tetzlaff
1:00 - tomato soup makes you do funny things
2:00 - kids were napping & I forgot to take a picture - I may have been dreaming about a mojito at this point in the day...
3:00 - LK is awake (bad picture, bad hair day)
4:00 - JT is still in pajamas (remember it was the day before we left on vacation so we didn't leave the house!)
5:00 - bath time in hopes for early bed... did it work? of course not but always worth a shot!
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