Tuesday, December 11, 2012

10 on 10 (per a friendly reminder this morning)

Thank you Maggie for the reminder that it has been 1 month since I've blogged - sorry!  We're back and today I did our 10 on 10 for December. 

8:00 - dropping jackson off at school & playing a game of... 'hey lauren guess what?'

 9:00 yes, the Good Day Cafe - yummo!

 10:00 - breakfast with Laura - such a fun surprise that she was in town! 

11:00 (so this is actually about 11:30) - grocery store madness - these little carts are a TERRIBLE idea. Very dangerous for anyone and everything at Lunds.

 12:00 - this smile melts my heart and makes me forget about my 'to do' list

 1:00 - E's brother and sister are sleeping so we treasure a little snuggle time...

(this is the aftermath) now how am I supposed to get anything done?!

2:00 - Sitting at the kitchen table looking at the beautiful house in our backyard - this beautiful house leads me to online house hunting... why does this always happen to me? (not sure about the random guy climbing on roof...)

3:00 - I must accomplish something today

 4:00 - she's awake already? and taking her baby doll to Montana - of course she is, Lauren is non stop these days...

 5:00 - bath time